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Draft River Basin Management Plan 2022-27 – Presentation by LAWP to PPN on 25.11.2021

The Local Authority Waters Programme gave an online presentation on the Draft River Basin Management Plan 2022-2027 to PPN members on the 25th November 2021.

Karen Kennedy, Community Water Officer, Local Authority Waters Programme and Joan Martin, Catchment Scientist presented on the evening.

The draft River Basin Management Plan aims to protect and restore good water quality in our rivers and lakes benefiting health, biodiversity, climate, and communities.

The presentation was titled Our Waters, Our Future, Our Plan covered;

  • An overview of Draft River Basin Management Plan – what it is, why it’s important, pressures on our waters, actions proposed to help protect and improve water quality, who will be responsible for delivery
  • Work to date protecting and restoring our rivers and lakes
  • Current water quality trends, both nationally and in Co. Longford
  • Community engagement and involvement
  • What needs to happen to protect and restore good water quality in the rivers and lakes of Co. Longford and,
  • how to make a submission – your views and comments on what needs to happen to protect and restore water quality in your local stream, river or lake.

Link to the presentation below:

Draft River Basin Management Plan 2022-27 Presentation

Please also see the link to the Local Authority Waters Programme’s virtual consultation room which provides accessible information on the draft Plan.

Below are links to websites that were mentioned and will provide further information.




PPN County Plenary Meeting – 17th November @ 7pm

PPN County Plenary Meeting, Wednesday, November 17th @ 7pm – 8.30pm.

We are delighted to announce guest speakers:

Paddy Mahon, Chief Executive, Longford County Council who will speak about the County Development Plan 2021 – 2027 and let us know all the exciting plans for Longford over the coming years.

Fr. Sean Healy, Social Justice Ireland who will speak about the successes and challenges of PPN’s and what he believes our future holds. Sean led the working group who recommended the establishment of PPN’s in late 2013.

Siobhán Cronogue, PPN Development Officer, will also give an update on the PPN workplan 2021 and of course we will close the meeting with our raffle.

Meeting link has been circulated to our members.  To register for the meeting email or

Press Release: 11th Nov 2021 : Climate Action Fund

Climate Action Fund

The Climate Action Fund (CAF) was established to provide assistance and financial support to projects which will help Ireland achieve its climate and energy targets. The CAF will provide at least €500 million in government funding up to 2027 towards this aim. The Fund will allow for the development of innovative initiatives which, without this support, may not otherwise be possible to accomplish. The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) is responsible for the Fund’s implementation.

More information

Press Release 11th Nov 2021: Ministers announce €9 million Fund to support community groups impacted by COVID-19

Ministers Humphreys and O’Brien announce €9 million Fund to support community groups impacted by COVID-19

Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, and Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development and Charities, Joe O’Brien TD, have today announced a €9 million fund to support community groups impacted by COVID-19.

The Community Activities Fund will support groups, particularly in disadvantaged areas, with their running costs such as utility or insurance bills, as well as with improvements to their facilities.

More information at

Press Release 11th Nov 2021 Dept. of Rural & Community Development

Ministers Humphreys and O’Brien launch ‘Local Economic and Community Plans Guidelines 2021’

The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, and Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD, have today 11th November 2021 launched new guidelines on the development of Local and Economic Community Plans.

Local and Economic Community Plans (LECPs) detail how Local Authorities will support economic and community development in their areas over the next six years.

The new guidelines will assist with the development of the plans for local areas, with a key focus on sustainability, consultation and engagement with local communities and businesses.

More information here

PPN County Plenary Meeting – Wednesday 17th November 2021

PPN County Plenary Meeting, Wednesday, November 17th @ 7pm – 8.30pm.

We are delighted to announce guest speakers:

Paddy Mahon, Chief Executive, Longford County Council who will speak about the County Development Plan 2021 – 2027 and let us know all the exciting plans for Longford over the coming years.

Fr. Sean Healy, Social Justice Ireland who will speak about the successes and challenges of PPN’s and what he believes our future holds. Sean led the working group who recommended the establishment of PPN’s in late 2013.

Siobhán Cronogue, PPN Development Officer, will also give an update on the PPN workplan 2021 and of course we will close the meeting with our raffle.

‘Operation Blue Santa’

Longford PPN have teamed up with the Community Gardai in the Granard and Longford MD’s to work on a fund raising event called “Operation Blue Santa”. Operation Blue Santa will ensure six local charities receive funds to support families in need this Christmas. The charities are:

  • Longford Women’s Link    (043) 3341151
  • Bridgeways Family Resource Centre   (090) 643 2691
  • Lus na Greine Family Resource Centre  (043) 6660977
  • St. Christopher’s Services  (043) 3341769
  • Longford Community Resources CLG  (043) 3345555
  • Little Blue Hero’s

To help with this the Band of An Garda Síochána will perform a concert in St. Mel’s Cathedral on Sunday 31st October 2021 @3pm.  Tickets are €10 each and are available for purchase from each of the above charities or at the PPN, Longford County Council, Great Water Street, Longford.  

Please would really appreciate your support !   Thank you 


Launch of Longford Local Environmental Network

You are invited by Francesca Pawelczyk, Environmental Rep, PPN Secretariat with the support of County Longford PPN to the virtual screening of the film 2040 to mark the launch of Longford Local Environmental Network. 

“Damon embarked on a global journey to meet innovators and changemakers in the areas of economics, technology, civil society, agriculture, education and sustainability.

Drawing on their expertise, he sought to identify the best solutions, available to us now, that would help improve the health of our planet and the societies that operate within it” 

The film will be available to view for free on the 9th and 10th October

Register by email at or

A virtual launch of the Longford Local Environmental Network will be held on Tuesday the 12th October @ 19.00hrs (7pm)

Guest Speakers at the launch will be:

Longford Mayor, Councillor Uruemu Adejinmi

Longford County Council Climate Action Officer, Bernard Shea

Irish Environmental Network Development Officer, Catherine O’Toole

Longford PPN Development Officer, Siobhán Cronogue

The aims of the Longford LEN are to create a space for people to connect and discuss environmental concerns; share (local area) knowledge and information; host and promote events; develop and provide support for projects; and help make the Public Participation Network’s Wellbeing Visions a reality

Register for the launch by email at or

PPN Rep Vacancies – Seeking Nominations

Community representative vacancies have arisen on the following committees/board:


  • PPN Secretariat1 Community & Voluntary Representative;


  • Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) – 1 Community & Voluntary Representative and 2 Social Inclusion Representatives;


  • Climate Action and Planning Strategic Policy Committee (SPC)1 Environmental Represesntative;


  • Longford Community Safety Partnership (LCSP) : – 8 Community Representatives
    • 4 Local Resident representatives who live in the area to represent new communities, minority communities, victims’ groups, residents’ associations, tidy towns group/development associations;
    • 2 Community representatives involved in community/social projects;
    • 2 Youth representatives, including a young person under the age of 25.

County Longford PPN are currently seeking nominations for the above voluntary positions. If you or a member of your group would like to go forward for election can you please complete the nomination form which has been forwarded to your group contact or download a nomination form at the following link  PPN Rep Nomination Form 2021

The deadline for submission of interest is 5pm, Friday 16th July 2021.

As we are unable to meet in person due to the current COVID19 restrictions, the PPN Secretariat will ensure that all groups have an opportunity to participate in a fair and transparent manner. Once nominations are received, elections will take place by using a blended approach i.e. online and postal voting.

If you have any questions regarding the PPN Secretariat, Local Community Safety Partnership or the PPN process for seeking nominations/elections please do not hesitate to contact the ppn at email or phone: 043 33 43492/087 261 5583.  Further information on all committees below:

Community & Voluntary PPN Secretariat C&V PPN Secretariat


Local Community Safety Partnership Local Community Safety Partnership

Climate Action and Planning SPC  Climate Action and Planning SPC Info

If you require further information on the LCDC or Climate Action and Planning SPC, please contact Ciaran Murphy, Senior Executive Officer, Longford County Council on 043 33 43506 or email: .

Election of Cathaoirleach and Leas Cathaoirleach for Longford County Council and for each the Municipal Districts

Cathaoirligh and Leas Cathaoirligh elected at 2021 Annual Meetings

Longford County Council.

Annual Meeting held on 30th June 2021.

Cathaoirleach                    Councillor Peggy Nolan.

Leas Cathaoirleach           Councillor Paraic Brady

Granard Municipal District

Annual Meeting held on 22nd June 2021

Cathaoirleach                     Councillor Paraic Brady

Leas Cathaoirleach            Councillor Garry Murtagh

Ballymahon Municipal District

Annual Meeting held on 24th June 2021

Cathaoirleach                     Councillor  Mick Cahill

Leas Cathaoirleach            Councillor   Paul Ross

Longford Municipal District

Annual Meeting held on  23rd  June 2021

Cathaoirleach                      Councillor Uruemu Adejinmi

Leas Cathaoirleach             Councillor Gerry Hagan

Dept of Rural & Community Development Webinar ‘Our Rural Future’ 23rd June 2021

Please see below the links to accompany the attached presentation on #Our Rural Future to PPN’s for circulation to all stakeholders in your PPN.  Dept. of Rural & Community Development Presentation link  Our Rural Future – PPN

You will also find more information at the following links

Our Rural Future, (overall policy for 2021-2025):

2021 Work Programme, containing actions and deadlines:

PPN Municipal District (MD) Plenary Meetings – 18th, 19th and 20th May 2021

Dear PPN Members,

You are cordially invited to the PPN Municipal District (MD) Plenary Meeting for your area. Based on topics that are currently of interest to community members the PPN Secretariat are delighted to announce the following Guest Speakers for all three meetings:

Catherine O’ Toole, Irish Environmental Network – will present the benefits of establishing a Longford Environmental Network. As you maybe aware groups such as Tidy Towns and other environmental interest groups can now transfer from the Community & Voluntary College of the PPN to the Environmental College. If your group does not wish to transfer, members/individuals of any community group who are interested in environmental issues and how Longford can respond are invited to join the Longford Environmental Network, an initiative brought forward by Francesca Pawelczyk, PPN Environmental Rep on the Secretariat.

Christine Collins, Longford County Council Broadband and Digital Officer – will share vital information and bring you up to speed on the county’s Community Hubs, what they will be used for, who can use them, what training will be provided to the public, where the funding for these hubs came from, how they will be managed and much more.

Clare McEnroe, Grow Remote Longford Chapter– will also share vital information on how you can find remote work and continue to live locally.

If you have any specific questions for any of the speakers please submit them to Helen or Siobhán prior to the meeting so we can stick to the meeting time schedule. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions on the night.

The meetings will close with our normal raffle, 1st prize €200, 2nd prize €100 and 3rd prize €50.

Meeting details below: Members can register for their MD Meeting by emailing Helen Gorman, or Siobhán Cronogue at ppn@longfordcoco.ieLooking forward to seeing you all then !

Granard MD Plenary Meeting

Date/Time : Tues 18th May 2021, 7pm via MS Teams.

Ballymahon MD Plenary Meeting

Date/ Time : Wed 19th May 2021, 7pm via MS Teams

Longford MD Plenary Meeting

Date/Time : Thurs 20th May 2021, 7pm via MS Teams

Longford County Council’s Longford Municipal District Meeting April 2021

See below Agenda for Longford County Council’s Longford Municipal District meeting to be held via Microsoft Teams on 28th April 2021. This meeting is open to the public.


Please note meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams. 22nd April 2021.

To:   Each Member of Longford Municipal District.                                                 

Dear Member,

You are requested to attend the Meeting of Longford Municipal District to be held

via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 28th April 2021 at 4.30 p.m. to transact business, as set out on the Agenda hereunder.

Yours sincerely,

Ann Marie Mc Keon


Ann Marie Mc Keon

Meetings Administrator.



Prayer before meeting.

  1. Confirmation of Minutes:

(a)       Longford Municipal District Meeting held on the 24th March 2021 – copy


(b)       Longford Municipal District Committee Meeting held on the 24th March 2021

– copy enclosed.

  1. Matters arising from Minutes.
  2. Declaration of Interest by Members.
  3. Management Report – enclosed.
  4. Consideration of three applications for funding under the 2021 Community Grant

Support Scheme – list enclosed

6.  Consideration of Adoption of Part 8, No. 84, R198 Battery Road Rehabilitation Scheme

at Battery Road, Longford Report in Accordance with Section 179 of the Planning and

Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Part 8 of the Planning & Development             Regulations 2001 (As Amended) – details enclosed.

  1. Notices of Motions, submitted by Councillors, as listed hereunder 

Councillor John Browne

“In Interest of safety I call on Longford County Council to have the damaged section of the R198 roadway, repaired and overlaid between Cahanagh Cross and the Creenagh Lane.

The road on one side has deteriorated following various repairs carried out, arising from bursts in the mains water pipe over the past few years and recent pipe laying along the other side of the main road is leading to subsidence.

            Councillor Seamus Butler

‘That Longford Municipal District will provide whatever civil works and assistances that are required to mount the Squirrel statue prototype provided by the Mide Arts Group in Newtownforbes’

Councillor Seamus Butler

‘could we please have an update on the taking in charge of Leader Park’

Councillor Uruemu Adejinmi

“I call on Longford County Council to extend the footpath on Knockmartin Lane to the N4 and link it to the Drumlish road to form a loop and create a safe walking route for residents.”

Social Justice Ireland – Visions for Community Wellbeing – Public Participation Networks Podcast

There has been a recent political shift towards wellbeing, with talk of a Wellbeing Budget for 2021 and the publication of a discussion document on Wellbeing Indicators with that Budget. This is a good thing, but how those Wellbeing Indicators are developed, and who is consulted, will be key to their success.

In 2018, the Public Participation Networks (PPNs) embarked on a large consultative project to develop Visions for Community Wellbeing across all Local Authority areas. This process saw community groups come together to develop a vision for their community for this and future generations.

In this episode of Social Justice Matters, Colette Bennett speaks to Siobhán Cronogue of Longford PPN, Helen Howes of County Wicklow PPN and Dr. Harriet Emerson, independent consultant, about the process of developing these Visions; their policy impact, and the potential for this process to inform the national Wellbeing Indicators.

To listen to the podcast click on the link below:

Social Justice Ireland – Visions for Community Wellbeing PPN Podcast

PPN Global Goals On-line Workshop – Have a Happy Ethical Christmas

On Thursday 10th December Longford PPN and Wellbeing Coach Anna D Atkinson delivered a seasonal workshop and discussion and shared ideas, hints and tips on how to make more creative choices to ensure your Christmas celebrations are more sustainable and earth friendly.  This online workshop was one in a series of workshops delivered by Longford PPN the aim of which was to raise community awareness and encourage engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals, otherwise known as the Global Goals. Focusing specifically on the Christmas Season, this interactive session looked at ways in which we can alter our impact on the environment by making alternative choices in relation to how we shop, exchange gifts, eat and celebrate.

View Anna’s presentation below:

Have a Happy Ethical Christmas

PPN County Plenary Meeting via Webinar held on 26th November 2020

On 26 November the Public Participation Network were delighted to welcome member groups throughout County Longford to an online webinar for their 2020 County Plenary Meeting. The meeting was chaired by Tess Murphy, PPN Secretariat.

Siobhán Cronogue, Development Officer, Longford PPN presented an update on the County Longford PPN Workplan for 2020. See Siobhán presentation:

County Longford PPN Plenary Meeting 26.11.20

Guest speakers at the event included:

Barbara Heslin, Director of Services, Community & Enterprise Dept, Longford County Council presented an outline of some important supports and services LCC are providing such as the “Keep Well” campaign and “ShopLongford. See Barbara’s presentation below:

PPN 2020 Presentation BH

Sean Regan, SICAP Co-ordinator, Longford Community Resources clg, spoke about the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) and outlined the many services provided by Longford Community Resources Club. See Sean’s presentation below:


Karen Ciesielski, Irish Environmental Network spoke about the changes in criteria for groups wishing to join the PPN Environmental College. Link to Karen’s presentation below:

Karen also shared some tips to have a waste-free Christmas – link here:

The webinar concluded with a raffle and the winners were: 1st prize Ballymahon Tidy Towns Committee, 2nd prize Mullinalaghta Community Development and 3rd prize Employment, Development and Information Centre.

Link to a recording of the meeting is below:


Minister O’Brien launches Public Participation Network 2019 Annual Report

Report shows 15,600 voluntary groups registered with the Public Participation Network in 2019

The Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development and Charities, Mr. Joe O’Brien TD, today (19th November 2020) launched the 2019 Annual Report of the Public Participation Networks.

This is the fourth Annual Report on the Public Participation Networks (PPNs), which were established to facilitate active citizen participation in policymaking at local authority level. The report provides a positive reflection of the variety of work done as well as showing continued growth throughout the country.

Speaking about the launch of the annual report Minister O’Brien said:

“This report shows that PPNs are having the desired impact and have achieved a huge amount in the short space of time since they were founded in 2014. The report also shows that there were 15,599 voluntary groups registered with the Network in 2019. At a national level, 928 PPN representatives gave volunteer-led groups a voice on 424 local authority boards or committees. This clearly demonstrates that PPNs are growing in strength.”

Regarding the increase in membership, Minister O’Brien added:

“These figures are a great indicator of the vibrancy and energy of the community and voluntary sector in Ireland, especially at a local level, and the role played by PPNs in local policy making and networking.”

PPNs are continuing to have a positive relationship with local authorities and are collaborating on a number of projects. For example, they are raising awareness of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and influencing policy to assist in achieving them at a local level.

Other PPNs are using their member groups’ experience to help local authorities improve accessibility for people with disabilities and dementia and to help people from marginalised communities to sit on local authority boards. The 2019 Annual Report highlights further examples of PPN activities and impacts.

Minister O’Brien said:

“These examples demonstrate the initiative and drive of PPN members, with activities ranging from contributing to local Strategic Policy Committees to holding events on matters such as community safety, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and rural policy. Several PPNs consulted with and welcomed asylum seekers, while others focussed on making public spaces accessible to people with disabilities. And this is only a small sample of the important ways in which they contribute to their localities.”

PPNs thrive on the principle of community engagement. They regularly hold workshops and public consultations to facilitate this engagement which is making a tangible difference and strengthening communities around the country.

The commitment displayed by the PPN resource workers, support workers, secretariat members and the member groups is visible throughout the report and their value can be seen in the increased level of citizen participation.

In conclusion, the Minister also acknowledged the work that PPNs carried out during the Covid-19 outbreak:

“PPNs have been pivotal in organising the community response and ensuring that the needs of vulnerable people were met during this period of uncertainty. I am grateful for their work in this area and I am committed to make sure that the Public Participation Network in this country goes from strength to strength.”

The report can be downloaded here.


Longford County Council is currently preparing a Draft County Development Plan 2021-2027 and is inviting submissions.

The Draft Longford County Development Plan 2021-2027 is currently available for public inspection from via the Council’s website at the following link:

The Plan and all associated documents will also be available for public inspection in hard copy format during normal opening hours (subject to Covid-19 restrictions and excluding public holidays) at the following locations:

  • Planning Department, Longford County Council Offices, Áras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford, N39 NH56.
  • All County Longford Branch Libraries – Longford, Ballymahon, Drumlish, Edgeworthstown, Granard and Lanesborough Libraries (please check locally for opening hours).

These physical display locations are subject to Covid-19 pandemic restriction requirements.  This website will be kept updated of any changes.

In this regard further to the publication of the public notice in the Longford Leader dated Friday 23rd October 2020, the libraries will now be closed until 1st December 2020.  An appointment will be required to view the documents at the Planning Department by either email at  or telephone on (043) 3343323.

Submissions to the Draft County Development Plan 2021-2027 may be made by members up to 4pm on Monday 18th January 2021 or alternatively you may send your submission to or and your submission will then be included as part of the PPN submission.

Submissions/observations can be made as follows:



Hard copy:  Administrative Officer, Draft County Development Plan, Forward Planning Unit, Longford County Council, Áras An Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford, N39 NH56.

The Community Call

Call :  (043) 3344255 or Freephone: 1800 300 122  (9am to 5pm – Monday to Friday)

or email


Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2020 – Third Round of approved projects

Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2020

On 12 October 2020 the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys announced details of the projects that have been approved for funding under the third round of the enhanced Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2020 that supports towns and villages to respond and adapt to COVID-19. This funding will enable towns and villages to implement immediate measures that will encourage people into towns and villages to shop and socialise, while adhering to public health guidelines. The funding is facilitated through the Government’s July Stimulus package. This funding includes 38 large towns with populations in excess of 10,000 which have not previously been funded through the Town and Village Renewal Scheme and we are delighted that Longford town has been awarded €40,000 as part of this funding.

Longford County Council Regeneration department are happy to announce that a total of €116,790 has been awarded to the county under round three of the Scheme for the following towns and villages. This follows on from €104,040 awarded on 3 August 2020 under round one and €86,843 awarded on 11 September 2020 under round two of the Towns & Villages Scheme 2020.


Town/VillageProject details Grant funding approved
Tier 5 VillagesProvision of seating and cycle stands across various locations as follows:

Abbeyshrule, Ardagh, Aughnacliffe, Ballinamuck, Clondra, Drumlish, Keenagh, Legan, Newtownforbes, Abbeyshrule, Ardagh, Aughnacliffe, Ballinamuck, Clondra, Drumlish, Keenagh, Legan, Newtownforbes

BallinaleeProvision of lighting & seating along newly developed forest walk€25,000.00
NewtowncashelProvision of outdoor seating, tables & planting€11,790.00
LongfordThe enhancement of Breadan’s Lane within Longford Town, including new lighting to make the area more usable for the traders and increase connectivity within the town€40,000.00


Further information on